About Us

LES JOHNSON – Wellness Centre Nerang

For many years now Les has specialised in pain management and muscle and joint discomfort, traveling the world teaching Orthopractics, Clinical Massage, Trigger Point Therapy and Functional Medicine. His skills and vast experience have made him a highly sought-after practitioner also.

Les Johnson – is a Clinical Specialist –  an Orthopractor (B.Ap.Sc.O.T.), Ortho-Bionomist (Cert.O.B.P.) Natural Therapist (N.T.), Naturopath (Dip.Nat.Med.), Iridologist, and a Sports & Clinical Masseur with over 25 years of clinical experience in treating all types of muscular/skeletal problems.

He has also lectured in New Zealand, the U.K., Canada and America, and was the founder of the Australian College of Orthopractic Therapies.

Being a full-time natural healthcare practitioner, healer and teacher for many years has allowed him to be able to help many people around the world return to a state of balance and harmony, enhancing their quality of life.

Book Your Appointment With Him Now on 0414 488 075